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Denim Tuffs Horse Shoe Dog Toy

Ships in 1 - 2 Business Days


Denim Tuffs Horse Shoe Dog Toy

Chew-O-Meter: Medium/Hard

Aussie Naturals Denim Tuffs are tough and durable dog toys made with natural denim material and crunchy coconut fiber filling. With reinforced binding, Denim Tuffs Horse Shoe is constructed with multi-layers for extra strength that gives long lasting play and entertainment for your pet.

Product Benefits

  • Made of natural and sustainable materials
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Durable denim material & wooley cotton rope
  • Crunchy coconut fiber filling
  • Reinforced binding and multi-layer construction for added durability
  • Rescue tested & proven


9 Inches in length

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