window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-80136447-1'); function trackEcommerce() { function gaAddTrans(orderID, store, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country, currency, channelInfo) { var transaction = { id: orderID, affiliation: store, revenue: total, tax: tax, shipping: shipping, city: city, state: state, country: country }; if (currency) { transaction.currency = currency; } ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', transaction); } function gaAddItems(orderID, sku, product, variation, price, qty) { ga('ecommerce:addItem', { id: orderID, sku: sku, name: product, category: variation, price: price, quantity: qty }); } function gaTrackTrans() { ga('ecommerce:send'); } function gtagAddTrans(orderID, store, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country, currency, channelInfo) { this.transaction = { transaction_id: orderID, affiliation: store, value: total, tax: tax, shipping: shipping, items: [] }; if (currency) { this.transaction.currency = currency; } } function gtagAddItem(orderID, sku, product, variation, price, qty) { this.transaction.items.push({ id: sku, name: product, category: variation, price: price, quantity: qty }); } function gtagTrackTrans() { gtag('event', 'purchase', this.transaction); this.transaction = null; } if (typeof gtag === 'function') { this._addTrans = gtagAddTrans; this._addItem = gtagAddItem; this._trackTrans = gtagTrackTrans; } else if (typeof ga === 'function') { this._addTrans = gaAddTrans; this._addItem = gaAddItems; this._trackTrans = gaTrackTrans; } } var pageTracker = new trackEcommerce(); Your SEO optimized title

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